Become a Dennison Rotary Member

We can’t wait to connect you with a diverse network of professionals and community members in Dennison, where you can share your ideas and join together with others to make a difference in our community. Please complete the form below to begin the membership process.

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Dennison Rotary Health Checkup

$50 Basic Profile Includes Over 50 Blood Tests

Diabetes, Cholesterol & Triglycerides, Liver Function, Calcium, Kidney Function, Complete Blood Count for Anemia and Infection, Thyroid Function, Bilirubin, Iron, Phosphorus Uric Acid, GGT, LD, and More!

Claymont Eastport Elementary School, 1200 Eastport Ave, Uhrichsville, OH 44683 (link to map). Enter at the rear of the building near the parking lot.  Additional parking is available on 11th street.

Important Information:

  • Appointments required, select your date on this page to begin online registration.
  • Walk-in registrations for this event are welcome and are an additional $5.00.
  • Masks are optional. If you are feeling Ill or have a fever, please stay at home.
  • Cash, Checks and Money Orders made payable to: Dennison Rotary Club NO CREDIT/DEBIT
  • 10 - 12 hours of Fasting is Recommended. Consumption of Water is permitted and suggested.

Upcoming Dates

Need to update your registration? Click on the register button for the date you registered and click on Update Registration.

Dennison Rotary Health Checkup Information

Basic Profile Includes Over 50 Blood Tests

Diabetes, Cholesterol & Triglycerides, Liver Function, Calcium, Kidney Function, Complete Blood Count for Anemia and Infection, Thyroid Function, Bilirubin, Iron, Phosphorus Uric Acid, GGT, LD, and More!

Optional Tests Also Available

Thyroid Test Bundle ($125) This bundle of thyroid tests include the T3, T4, Free T3, and NEWLY ADDED Free T4; these are additional tests to the TSH Thyroid test provided in the basic panel to every Rotary Blood Profile participant. Hormones made by the thyroid gland help regulate your metabolism, can affect how fast your heart beats, how deep you breathe, and whether you gain or lose weight. They can also help control your body temperature, cholesterol levels, and women's menstrual cycles to name just a few important roles that your thyroid has in regulating your body and body function. These tests will assist you and your physician to assess and monitor thyroid function and to diagnose hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism and to monitor treatment of a person with a known thyroid disorder. 

PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Test for Men ($15) The PSA test has been widely used to screen men for prostate cancer. The test measures the blood level of the Prostate-Specific Antigen, a protein produced by the prostate gland. The higher a man's PSA level the more likely it is that he has prostate cancer. Early Detection of elevated PSA level is crucial for effective treatment. 

Hemoglobin A1C Test for Diabetes ($15) The hemoglobin A1C test is an important blood test used to determine how well your blood sugar is being controlled. Hemoglobin A1C provides an average of your blood sugar levels over a six to twelve-week period. 

Urine Micro Albumin ($25) Is a test to detect very small levels of a blood protein (albumin) in the urine. A microalbumin test is used to detect early signs of kidney damage in people with diabetes and high blood pressure and others who are at risk of developing kidney disease. The two most common causes of kidney failure are diabetes and high blood pressure. Early detection and treatment may prevent or delay kidney disease. This test is now available at the time of registration and must be administered on the day of blood testing. Participants are requested to obtain their urine sample prior to blood being drawn, handing the sample to the phlebotomist at blood draw area. 

Vitamin D Testing ($25) Vitamin D helps to promote bone development and maintain bone and skeletal health by enhancing the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus. People who have inadequate exposure to sunlight or who lack access to sufficient amounts of food containing calcium may have low Vitamin D levels.

Colon-Care Cancer Screening($25)This test is a Take-Home-Mail-In screening kit to detect blood, which can be a sign of rectal or colon cancer.  The test does not require any special preparation which allows you to take routine medications and maintain your regular diet.  Colorectal cancer can often be cured if caught early.   These cancers do not always have symptoms and more than 90% of colorectal cancers are diagnosed in people over 50.   

1.4 million members

333 million awarded, global service

47 million volunteer hours

Rotary Club of Dennison
431 Center Street
Dennison, Ohio 44621

Club #3584 - Rotary District 6650

Phone: (740) 229-7575

Meeting Hours: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 6 PM

District Website |International Website

Our Blood Profile

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